Why Do We Love The Flavours We Love?

When I started out writing this blog, I had no idea just how complicated people's taste preferences are. You could honestly write a book about it (and people have). Here's what I've learnt: when you take a sip of a Square Root, a whole symphony of chemical reactions starts happening in your mouth.

Your taste buds start dancing, your nose is processing all the aromas, and your brain works overtime to catalogue the experience as either a new favourite or a passing fling. But why do you love certain flavours while others make you wince? Let's dive into the fascinating science of flavour perception and explore how it shapes the delicious world of Square Root.

The Building Blocks of Flavour

Flavour perception is a complex interplay of taste, smell, and even touch. Our taste buds can detect five basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami (savoury). But it doesn't stop there! The olfactory receptors in our nose contribute significantly to what we perceive as flavour. Have you noticed how food tastes bland when you have a cold? That's because your sense of smell is compromised, taking the fun out of your food.

Why We Like What We Like

The reason you might crave the citrusy zing of a Lemonade or the rich, fruity notes of our Raspberry Lemonade is rooted in both biology and psychology.

Your genetic makeup plays a significant role in why you like the flavours you like. Your ability to taste is directly proportional to the number of taste buds you have. Scientists found that the difference in the number of taste buds can be anywhere from 11 to 1,100 taste buds per square inch on your tongue.

Some people are supertasters, meaning they have many more taste buds than the average person. This heightened taste sensitivity can make bitter foods taste unbearably intense, and sweet foods taste incredibly satisfying (I'm actually quite happy not to be one of those; as cool as it sounds, it would make my job incredibly difficult).

Women have also been shown to have, on average, more taste buds than men, and so are better tasters. I guess that's why I'm more successful at developing Square Root's recipes than Ed - I just have more taste!

Flavour is also deeply connected to our memories and emotions. Have you ever taken a sip of something and been instantly transported to a happy moment in your childhood? That's because the brain regions responsible for taste are closely linked to the areas that store emotional memories.

The Role of Smell

While your taste buds are busy detecting basic tastes, your nose is also hard at work picking up hundreds of volatile compounds that contribute to flavour. This is why a blocked nose can dampen your ability to enjoy food and drink. The aroma compounds travel up the back of your throat to your nasal passages, a process called retronasal olfaction. This is where the magic happens, turning a simple taste into a complex flavour.

When we develop a new soda at Square Root, we meticulously balance these aromatic compounds to ensure that each sip delivers a burst of complementary scents, enhancing the overall flavour experience. Our goal is to create beverages that not only taste amazing but also smell incredible. The carbonation also helps with this; as the CO2 bubbles pop on the surface of your soda, they carry a little burst of aromatics to your nose.

Texture and Mouthfeel

Texture, or (I'm going to say it...) mouthfeel, is another crucial component of flavour perception. How a drink feels in your mouth can significantly influence how you perceive its taste. Creaminess, fizziness, and even the temperature of a drink can alter your flavour experience.

At Square Root, we strive for a scientifically more tantalising taste. The bubbles in our sodas are precisely sized not just to tickle your tongue; they also carry flavour compounds to your taste buds, intensifying the taste experience. Our meticulous carbonation process ensures that each sip is perfectly fizzy, delivering an exhilarating mouthfeel that complements the vibrant flavours.

The Joy of Discovery

Exploring flavour is a journey, and at Square Root, we're passionate about taking you along for the ride. Whether you're a supertaster or just someone who loves a good fizzy drink, our sodas are designed to open minds and mouths to empirically satisfying soda.

The next time you crack open a bottle of Square Root, take a moment to appreciate the intricate dance of taste, smell, and texture. You're not just drinking soda; you're experiencing fresh soda formulations crafted with care and precision.

So, why do you love what you love? The answer lies in the beautiful complexity of flavour perception. And at Square Root, we're here to make sure that every sip is a moment of pure, sensory soda pleasure. Cheers to that!

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